Thursday, January 8, 2009

The one(s) that got away...

All sold out. The good ones always get scooped up fast.


Kate Coveny Hood said...

I love the second image. Now I want a grey coat... Not charcoal. Light grey.

Joanna Goddard said...

oooh, beautiful! the top one is amazing. have a nice weekend! xo

Ruby Fuerza AKA Lucille Brawl said...

i love pixie market but i have never bought anything from over there. i do admire them for showcasing small designers (rightfully so - they have some amazing pieces!) and having a pretty affordable price point.

naomi megan. said...

hey love,

i have a mac, so i export the photos first from iphoto to shrink them (export them as jpegs and use the medium size) then i use paintbrush to copy and paste them to my blank canvas. you can move them around how you like in paintbrush too. it's very easy and fun! good luck!
